Hey there,
I welcome everyone to the official Cradle of Colours Blog. Right now, everything is pretty empty but we gonna make shure this changes in the next days, weeks and months. First of all I want to introduce our two main artists.
Major.Schocker, quackerjack1337 (ebay) or simply "The Major" was one of the Founders of Cradle of Colours Studio. He is in the miniature hobby since 1998 and has won several best painted awards during the years. His main love goes out to Warhammer 40.000 but his brushes took on miniatures from dozens of companies. He works as an comission artist for CoC since 2006. Right now he focuses on his airbrush techniques, never leaving his goal out of sight- the Golden Demon!
Major.Schocker attended to the following painting classes:
2006 Painting Class with Christian Reckerth ( Bestienmeister)
2007 Painting Class with Christian Reckerth ( Bestienmeister)
2009 Painting Class with Ben Komets ( White Rabbit)
Katan, The Unleashed, Cradleofcolours (ebay) or Terrorfex also was one of the Founders of Cradle of Colours Studio. He is in the miniature hobby since 1998 and started the miniature hobby alongside Major.Schocker. After winning his first Golden Demon this year ( Bronze in Warhammer 40.000 Monster),
he is working on his Wet Blending and Weathering techniques. He works as an comission artist for CoC
since 2006. His love for the hobby is now stronger then ever and his sight is set on the next step - the Golden Demon!
Katan attended to the following painting classes:
2006 Painting Class with Christian Reckerth ( Bestienmeister)
2007 Painting Class with Christian Reckerth ( Bestienmeister)
2008 Painting Class with Georg Damm (GeOrc)
2009 Painting Class with Ben Komets ( White Rabbit)
Thats it for now folks. I hope we see you all back in the next days when the content of this blog gets more and more ;)
best regards,
Simon aka Katan